Wee wee hours

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9

Letra de Wee wee hours

Raul Seixas

In the wee, wee hours
That's when I think of you
In the wee, wee hours
That's when I think of you
You say, but yet I wonder
If your love was ever true

In a wee little room
I sit alone and think of you
In a wee little room
I sit alone and think of you
I wonder if you still remember
All the things we used to do

One little song
For a fading memory
One little song
For a fading memory
Of the one I really love
The only one for me

Letra de Wee Wee Hours de Raul Seixas

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