Ya es muy tarde (english lyrics)

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Letra de Ya es muy tarde (english lyrics)

Arrolladora Banda El Lim贸n

I never met you
and never having tasted your kisses
I have been born in another century
and so avoid the damage I've done ke ...
I would repeat that past
quee left many wounds in my soul
not make the same herror
and thus avoid each of your traps
But it's too late, the damage is done
I've been in your life only your contempt
that after having fun abandon quee
ke say today without remorse leave you alone ...
and on top of my woes
God only knows
ke how much I love and what I've defended ke
people shouted at me, did not suit me ke
you were not good and I did not think
because I did not care to
I dreamed that
all my life with you
while you were laughing your my
I now realize
that there is no innocence in you
have a heart of stone
do not you care for me suffer ...


But it's too late, the damage is done
I've been in your life only your contempt
ke ke having fun then abandon
ke say today without remorse leave you alone ...
and on top of my woes
God only knows
ke I love you so much, from what I've relied ke
I swear people, did not suit me ke
ke you were not good and I did not think
because I did not care to
I dreamed of ke
all my life with you
while you were laughing your my
I now realize
ke no innocence in you
have a heart of stone
Then you do not care about me suffer ...

Letra de Ya es muy tarde (english lyrics) de Arrolladora Banda El Lim贸n

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