Yellow ribbon

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9

Letra de Yellow ribbon

Killing Caroline

There's a yellow ribbon tied to your door knob.
i knock three times, i bow my head.
your silence gives a grim reply,
your heart is heavy, your eyes are red.
here we are, standing there,
a yellow ribbon tied into your hair.
i hold you close, expressionless.
as you chant that nothing is fair.
"she doesn't care, she doesn't care."
you whisper into the air.
"nothing's fair, oh nothing's fair.
i still sit alone, up there.
And one day you will be by yourself
free to do whatever you please.
you won't have to answer to anyone else.
and one day you will be on your own.
you'll walk alone and you'll be free.
you won't have to answer to anyone else.
i'm just hoping you'll remember me.

Letra de Yellow Ribbon de Killing Caroline

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