You are already gone (english lyrics)

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9

Letra de You are already gone (english lyrics)


To my surprise, I have never known
Neither you nor myself
I have contented with what is apparent
I have never stopped and listened
To the breath of my heart
I have been loved, I loved
I have lost blatantly

I have become hopeful, I have got cloudy
They are about to pour from my eyelashes
I haven’t believed, I have believed
You are slipping out of my hands and going

I don’t know whether the postman will knock on my door again.
I don’t think so
I know you won’t come back
Because you are already gone

Letra de You are already gone (english lyrics) de Tarkan

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